Open cooperative 5G experimentation platforms for the industrial sector Network Applications
A 5G-PPP phase III project funded by the EU
5G-INDUCE targets the development of an open, ETSI NFV compatible, 5G orchestration platform for the deployment of advanced 5G Network Applications. The platform’s unique features provide the capability to the Network Application developers to define and modify the application requirements, while the underlay intelligent OSS can expose the network capabilities to the end users on the application level without revealing any infrastructure related information. This process enables an application-oriented network management and optimization approach that is in line with the operator’s role as manager of its own facilities, while it offers the development framework environment to any developer and service provider through which tailored made applications can be designed and deployed, for the benefit of vertical industries and without any indirect dependency through a cloud provider.
Core Activities
Network Application Management Platform
The development and integration of a full-stack Network Applications Management Platform including state-of-the-art control and data plane solutions based on intelligent OSS layer, scalable microservices-based cloud orchestration platform, and advance user interfaces for the porting of Network Applications and the monitoring of their attributes.
Industry 4.0 Network Applications
The development and deployment of advanced Industry 4.0 Network Applications, showcasing the support of a variety of innovative Industry 4.0 market verticals through the demonstration of advanced use cases that meet demanding Industry 4.0 and 5G KPIs (e.g. ultra-low latency, fast service deployment, high service reliability, while accommodating industrial-grade scalability demands).
5G Experimentation Infrastructures
Businesses and exploitation potentials
The identification of the enabling Businesses and exploitation potentials towards all the impacted market stakeholders (i.e.
1. industrial players,
2. network operators, and
3. a large pool of Network Application developing SMEs/start-ups),
through a beneficial business model for all, while maintaining discrete and distinct roles for each of these stakeholders.
Experimentation Facilities
Three advanced and unique industrial infrastructures interconnected to 5G core through the operators and vendor driven 5G network.
The 5G-INDUCE experimentation facilities are designed to provide realistic environments for the deployment and evaluation of industry 4.0 oriented Network Applications in a diverse type of industries.
Valencia-Madrid, Spain
Ford factory in Valencia, Spain, interconnected through Ericsson’s edge node technology to 5TONIC test-bed in Madrid.
Lavrio-Athens, Greece
Public Power Corporation industrial site in Lavrio, Greece, interconnected to OTE 5G laboratory infrastructures in Athens.
Genoa-Biandronno, Italy
Whirlpool factory in Biandronno (Varese), Italy, interconnected to CNIT’s lab infrastructure in Genoa through Wind3 network, serving also as the DevOps testbed for new Network Applications.

Use Cases
Autonomous indoor fleet management

Smart operation based on human gesture recognition

VR immersion and AGV control

ML-Supported Edge Analytics for Predictive Maintenance

Inspection and surveillance services for critical infrastructures

AR-based remote maintenance, repairing and upgrade

Crossroad control for safety for forklifts & humans

Drone assisted network performance and coverage monitoring for industrial infrastructures

Latest News & Events

5G-INDUCE Videos
Here below you can find the links to the latest videos published on the 5G-INDUCE YouTube channel. Enjoy! 5G-INDUCE Final Project Workshop “5G Innovations for

5G-INDUCE Final Project Workshop: “5G Innovations for Verticals – Demo Showcasing” We are pleased to invite you to the 5G-INDUCE Final Project Workshop titled “5G

Special Session organized by 5G-INDUCE at BalkanCom 2024 in Ljubljana, Slovenia
5G and Beyond Orchestration Platforms and Use Cases – Enhancing Network Applications’ Capabilities Organizers: Franco Davoli, DITEN-University of Genoa / CNIT S2N National Lab, Italy;

Invited Talk in ITU AI for Good Global Summit 2024Invited Talk in ITU AI for Good Global Summit 2024
Professor Qi Wang gave an invited talk on “AI for 6G network management and control optimisation” in this year’s United Nations International Telecommunication Union (ITU)

The 5G-INDUCE Platform Version C (Full Feature) is available
The final, full feature version, of the 5G-INDUCE Platform is now available. This key event enables the full operation of the 5G-INDUCE Experientation Facilities and the

5G-INDUCE Booth at the IEEE ICC 2023 in Rome
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5G INDUCE partners awarded the best oral presentation at WSCE 2022
The 5G-INDUCE Project is proud to announce that partners K3Y, Suite5 Data Intelligence Solutions, PPC S.A. and Eight Bells Ltd received the Best Oral Presentation

Demonstration of 5G-INDUCE Use Cases of the Spanish Experimentation Facility over 5TONIC Rel 16 infrastructure
The deployment of 5G SA Rel 16 at 5TONIC lab based on Ericsson technology, and planned together with Telefonica, introduces end-to-end and automated network slicing